When you buy a car, you usually get an MTA registered inspector to report on its safety, wear and tear and potential longevity. Or AA. Either way, you can trust the report and there can be ‘come back’ if an adverse event occurs.

Well, it is of huge concern to us that when making the largest spending decision of their lives when buying a home, far too many New Zealanders use very informal checks; unregistered builders, friends and relatives for example.

Some engage the services of promoted Building Inspection Companies, however, it has to be said that while many of these companies are reputable and deliver excellent advice, some do not. And worse, as a generalisation, those more informal organisations often don’t carry indemnity insurance of any sort, to cover that sad situation where their report and investigation misses something important.

So, our advice? Be just as careful about who checks out your home as you are about who checks the car, your teeth and your children’s health.

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