A ‘beautiful’ word can be worth thousands

Professor Paul Anglin, a real estate economist in Ontario, Canada, says that homes described as “beautiful” in real-estate advertising sell for up to 5% more. It turns out that the right phrasing in real-estate listings can speed a sale and even boost the final price, according to his study, which examined 20,000 listings. Listings with […]

How to make a grand entrance

You will have heard the saying, ‘you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression’. This is very true for selling houses as well. Many potential buyers make up their minds within seconds of walking through the door. So it makes sense to get this part of the house looking great. The entrance […]

2 ways to reduce debt

The number 1 goal of most kiwis is to reduce debt. The ‘trick’ is to mange it. Here are a few tips that could save you thousands: FIRST, list all your debts in order of SIZE. Ignore interest rates. Pay them off in order of smallest to biggest by directing all spare money to the […]

Arrrggghhhh… the kid’s room!!

The kids’ bedrooms will always look disastrous just when you are trying to sell. Kids have loads of ‘stuff’, but perhaps that is not the real problem. The complication is that they want all the ‘stuff’ out on display at the same time. They think this looks great and say, “but I can find everything” […]

Which insurances to have

The five insurance MUST HAVES are: 1. Life insurance, because your family will need it if you die 2. Disability insurance. Medical science keeps you alive far more than ever before. E.g. most survive strokes now, but your ability to work is severely impaired. So who pays the bills if this happens? 3. Health insurance, […]

Useful links for investors

www.dbh.govt.nz The Department of Building and Housing web site, where you will find information on building law and compliance, services including weather-tight homes, and advice for tenants and landlords. www.landlords.co.nz Online magazine for those in the investment market or those wanting to get into it. Click in “Tools” in this site for an excellent range […]

NEWS! Its easier to afford a first home

Many young couples see their dream of home ownership just too far beyond the horizon, but there are things that can make the dream a reality. The first step is to talk to your bank face-to-face, or perhaps a competent mortgage broker. Find out your financing options and just what you can borrow for what […]

4 reasons houses DON’T sell

Some houses just sit and sit unsold – yet they shouldn’t if some key issues are understood. The four main reasons that houses don’t sell are listed below and can all be addressed through an open dialogue with your agent. 1. It is overpriced. Don’t try to ‘test’ the market, it invariably backfires. prices are […]

Tips for Winter Sales

If you do want to sell now, just like at other times of the year, each season has its own tips and techniques that can improve the chances of a sale. 1. Let in the light. Pull up the blinds, push back the drapes. 2. Turn on every light in the house. 3. Turn on […]

Relieve mortgage pressure

Download the last 3 months bank statements and then break all expenses into categories (food, car, cafes, clothes etc). Don’t guess, use actual from the previous 3 months. Now go through each line one at a time and see if you can find savings. Look for 5% to 10%. Might not sound much, but it […]

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